Additional Fee Possibility Disclosure

We have set our fee to be $250 to provide all club members with as low a fee as possible while still guaranteeing enough money for the purchase of all necessary parts and the payment costs associated with team registration and regional competitions.

With that said, our $250 membership fee does not guarantee the cost of competitions at a level higher than regionals, such as state, national, or VEX Worlds. We hope this is understandable, as we do not wish to charge members for something that they have no guarantee of experiencing.

As such, if a team does make it to a higher-level competition, we may need to charge members of that team additional fees in order to afford the associated expenses. These could include the registration fee as well as transportation and lodging costs.

Note: We may only charge you additional money if it will be going towards a competition your team will be competing in.

The ACL VEX Robotics Club will absolutely do everything we can to attempt to lower these costs, such as, for example, seeking corporate sponsors. However, in most cases, it will still be likely that we will have to shoulder at least a part of the cost ourselves.

Because of this, all joining members understand and agree that if they make it to competition levels higher than regionals, they will need to accept the possibility that they may have to incur additional fees to pay for either/both competition registration fees and transportation/lodging costs if the competition location is far from home.